Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Hour of Books

Today in class we spent an hour reading books dealing with art, photography, and design.  I'd like to share some of the things that stood out to me during my readings.

Guide to Photojournalism by Brian Horton
The section that I read in this book was on features and portraits.  One of the person's quoted was Amy Sancetta.  She photographs a variety of different subjects from children laborers to yo-yo factories.  Often she most switch quickly from a serious work to a humorous subject.  She described what is like to have to switch so quickly.  "You are moving from one situation where you show your humanity to another situation where you do".

The following photographs are a sample of Sancetta's work.

Landscape Photography by John Shaws
Bad Weather is good weather
The point that stood out to me was where it talked about weather.  "Good weather is often the worst weather possible" (84).  This was funny because I prefer to shoot in nice, sunny weather.  However, I think that I need to stretch myself and shoot in good photography weather, even if it isn't "nice" weather. 

These books were a lot of fun to read and were very informative. 

1 comment:

  1. That's what struck me from Landscape Photography as well. and i discovered that it is very much true by this last shoot. It was strange being out in that kind of weather, but also exciting to see the awesome photos i was getting. :)
