Monday, January 30, 2012

Continuing Work on Series

So, as an addition to my final series, I have begun to colorize the images.  Hope you like them!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Final Final project

So this quarter, we are getting started on our final projects for the year.  We will be planning a exhibition in spring quarter, so we are getting our series done now.

My series is about seeing the beauty in everyday objects.  Here is one of the images from this week.  Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Narrative-Part 2

So this week, I was supposed to try different backgrounds for the shoes.  I tried several, and these were the best ones.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Narrative Photography~ Winter Quarter 2012

A new year and a new assignment!  This quarter is narrative photography.  Narrative photography is about telling a story using photographs, pretty simple.  However, I had a really hard time coming up with an idea.  Finally, I decided on one.  My original idea was to try to illustrate the personalities of a family by looking at their shoes.  Kind of like the saying, "You should try standing in their shoes". 

After trying that idea out, I still felt like I could do better.  So I did individual images of the shoes.  And here is the best one!