Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Latest on My Assignment

This photo is the latest in my assignment.  The instructor, Mark, said that it was very well done and coming along nicely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Continuing Assignment

These is the next installment for my project.

It's exciting to see the improvements from last week to this week. 
This is the best photo from last week.

As compared to the best photo from this week,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Liana and Joe~Engagement Photos

This week, I did my first set of engagement photos.  Liana had lots of ideas of where to go.  Here are some of the best ones.  Enjoy!!



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A New Quarter and a New Assignment

With a new quarter comes a new project.  This quarter, my assignment is to find a professional portrait and reproduce it.  This will be an ongoing project for the quarter. 

This is the professional portrait that I am working on reproducing.

The following photo is the  best one that I have created in response to this photo.

Improvements I need to make are
1. Positioning of the model
2. Composition of the photo
3. Lighting her face more

For the next shoot, I will need to light her face more as well as reposition her.  Following are some other examples of what I have shot.